Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Now where were we? Oh, that's right, stumbling through my studio tripping over the overflow that parks on the floor for want of a better home. Now mind the cat - she does like to get underfoot too!

Now I was sharing a few of my clutter busters with you and the reference library is a good case in point. Previously teetering stacks of magazines and books littered the studio...and of course when I wanted one I had to trawl through all the stacks ( which took hours because invariably I would get sidetracked by a delicious looking recipe, or, project I'd forgotten about but now got all re-excited by)....not good. I would prop up these stacks with other objects which when removed (to be used) caused a cascade of mags all over the floor...sigh...start again. But thanks to IKEA, (God I love that store), I can now find the book or mag I want by reading the spines, grouped like with like, and nothing falls over. These mag boxes are very cheap and if they get a little worn, it's no biggy to replace them. Of course this is not the only place my beloved books reside but 'most' of the others are housed in bookcases...and on top of bookcases....and beside bookcases... and occasionally under bookcases....oh, I do love books!

So many things, so little space!
Now this is an area that needs some work but it's
not too bad. Reasonable order is imposed with an assortment of boxes(thankyou again IKEA - they should be paying me for the plugs), tins, and of course those trusty takeaway containers...where would we be without them?
Now just to the left of the pic you can see one of those areas the glitter has snuck into.

Now here I am trying to be orderly and the glitter just refuses to be good!

I'll leave you with one last tip. For those of you who work with marabou, NO, not the moosey looking thing, the fluffy stuff - it should always be hung, for optimum fluffiness...and don't we all enjoy a bit 'o' fluff, lol?
My marabou hangs on tie hangers. Now I don't remember where I got them, after all it's been about 15 yrs! But I do seem to recall they were not expensive. Of course I could probably do with about three more...but if I do that I will only buy more marabou so perhaps...best not.  ;o)

Till next time, happy crafting whatever your addiction is!

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